Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WW: Beauty

This article is about how the commerce of beauty has touched almost all places around the world today. It was astounding to see how many different types of cosmetic surgeries women are getting in the USA alone, which in fact happens to be the biggest cosmetic market in the world. This article stated that these types of surgeries are especially common in rich countries, which makes the America an easy target. There were even surgeries listed that I had never heard of before, what are they going to come up with next! And the top five cosmetic companies sales are in the billions. Cosmetic surgery is expensive, and I guess that is a good thing becasue if it weren't I can't imagine how many more people would be getting cosmetic surgery. Yes wealthy people may live a glamorous life, but it is obvious that with these types of surgeries as well as other types of modifications such as tanning, manicures, and teeth whitening, wealthy people have their issues mostly dealing with their body image. It almost seems like torture when you get some type of cosmetic surgery because you are stitched up, swulllen, aching, and on pain meds. Your personall body image should not be something that an individual constantly is concerned about. It takes too much time and energy and there are more important things in life then this. Maybe this is why many American advertisements, especially high-fashion ads, portray such vulgar and sickly images of women. The wealthy can easily afford a high-fashion item so it is directed towards them. Therefore, these ads' models are the norm to their audience.
It is difficult to see girls around me who are abnormally skinny because one would think that they have an eating disorder. However, it is wrong to make this assumption because they totally could not have one. But the point I'm trying to make is that body image and the fact that eating disorders are so common in American society today brings about the assumptions that people who are skinny must "obviously" have an eating disorder.

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