Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WW: Rape

This article talks about how women everywhere live under the threat of rape, the greatest risk often in their own homes! Rape is a highly unreported crime because people think that rape is only having sex. However, this is not true and rape constitutes any violence inhibited to assert male power and control. The article stated that estimates suggest that the actual incidence of rape may be up to 50 times the numbers reported. Where did things go wrong in American society to make living in America so dangerous? Even here in Pullman, Women's Transit was created in order to help reduce the risk of a woman walking home at night from the library or the gym. It is apparent that rape, as well as many other types of sexual violence, has become a HUGE problem when a woman isn't even safe in her own home. This can be linked to many things occurring in American society today. For one, the images of women in the media make them seem like fragile, sex-crazed people there to please their man whether it inquires violence or sex or the like. It can also be linked to the long-held roles of women throughout American history as being below men. Now that women have gained more rights in all sorts of aspects in society, I feel that men are lashing out by inhibiting acts of violence because it is the only means they can think of to get back at them and it is the easiest means. Are men affraid of change, more specifically a change in the workforce, athletics, or in politics?

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